Digestive care products

Constirelax solution

Price :

From   KES 3800.00

Cash On Delivery : Available

Free Shipping : Applicable

Shipping Days : 2 days


Health Benefits of ConstiRelax Prebiotics

1. Regulates the function of Microcirculation, edema, Lymphatic function and capillary filtration,

fragility and permeability.

2. Reduce capillary permeability and capillary resistance

3. Alleviate the acute hemorrhoids symptoms (Swelling, bleeding) and reduces seizure frequency

4. Relieve pain heavy legs, swelling and spasms

5. Extend the norepinephrine - induced venus contraction time to increase various tension.

6. Reduce adhesion and migration of the leukocyte and endothelial cell, decrease capillary

permeability ami reduce release of the inflammatory substances such as histamine, bradykinin.

7. Complement lenkotrienes and prostaglandins involved in allergic reaction

8. Reduce blood viscosity and improve blood circulation to prevent microcirculation stasis.

9. Improve the lymph circulation, speed up the return of tissue fluid and reduce swelling.

10. Reduce pain symptoms of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

11. Increase venous tension, control1 the release of inflammatory substance improve blood

circulation and reduces swelling, bleeding and pain

12. Good for strengthening bones and teeth and cartilages hence good for osteoporosis/rickets

and whenever an increased supply of mineral salts is required.

13. Very effective in dissolving and eliminating die uric acid deposits within the joints that cause

urinate arthritis. So good for excess uric acid (gout)

14. Good for kidney stones

15. Excellent blood alkalizer in spite of its acid taste.

16. Good for eye conditions. Because of its richness in carotenoids. It prevents muscular

degeneration of the retina which causes blindness in people over the age of 65 years.

17. Strong antioxidants - it neutralizes free radicals

18. Helps in prevention and treatment of cancer

19. Good for arteriosclerosis hardening of arteries

20. Assist in weight loss due to its detoxifying properties.

21. Strong antitoxin - Neutralizes die action of a variety of toxic substances,

such as nitrosamines; found in cured meats.

22. Good for skin condition - contributes to the

formation of collagen, fibrous tissue necessary

for wound healing.

23. Good for stroke and heart diseases by

preventing the free radicals from damaging the

artery walls leading to plaque formation.

24. It treats autoimmune disorders.

25. Good for liver and kidney diseases prevention

26. It fights free radicals thus delay aging

27. It Eli minates fatigue and improves work


28. Beneficial for synthesis of brain protein and neurotransmitter.

29. Improve sleep quality and memory

30. Good for those suffering from anemia


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