micro2 for heart disorders,3200/=

By Isaac katana
3rd June, 2021

*Cardiovascular Suppliment* 

      _MicrO2 Cycle Tables_ 

 _Its contains Active ingredients like_
 *Radix Panax Notoginseng
Borneolum Syntheyticum* 
 *Salviae Miltiorrhiza (Danshen)*


? Helpful for removing blood stasis
?Improve the flow of blood through the small vascular network 
?Enhance oxygen and nutrients delivery
?Anti-oxidation, free radical clearance, cardiac muscular protection 
?Assist cholesterol and trigly Cerides normalization 
?Its improve blood circulation 
?It  improve eye sight
?Prevents artery clogging and narrowing 
?Prevents arteriosclerosis ?A strong anti-oxidant
?Prevents sanile dimentia ?Prevent Alzheimer's 
?Lower whole blood and plasma viscosity 
?Prevent thrombosis 
?Decrease blood platelet aggregation 
?Dialate coronary arteries 
?Angina pectoris
?Good for emotional upsets
?Good for claudiction leg pain due to clogging of arteries 
?Good for high blood pressure 
?Good for stroke prevention and reverse stroke
?Prevents numbness due to blood clot
?Prevents Heart attack




 _2×3 taken before meals_


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