Novel depile for piles/hemorrhoids

By Isaac katana
3rd June, 2021

Novel Depile Capusles


Discover Citrus Discover the Relief for Hemorrhold

● Alleviate hemorrhoid without surgery

● Relieve pain, burning sensation and itching

● Reduce discomfort after having a bowel movement


What is Novel Depile Capsules?

Citrus containing water, carbohydrates, protein and vitamin C is a perennial plant that has been used for centuries in TCM. Our Novel Depile Capsules is famulated with natural citrus extract and citrus extract’s derivate for alleviating hemorrhoid.

Health Benefits of Novel Depile Capsules Citrus Extract
Studies done on Citrus have shown promise for this herb as a natural remedy for hemorrhoids. It's many benefits include:

Alleviate hemorrhoid

Reduce anus pain & irritation

Calm bleeding hemorrhoid


Why BF Suma Novel Depile Capsules Citrus Extract is a Good Choice?

A painless and scientifically proven method

to control hemorrhoids

100% natural ingredients from citrus

Bf Suma Novel - Depile 60 Capsules


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