x power man capsules

By Isaac katana
1st June, 2021

. Product Descriptions


       What is BF Suma X Power Man plus Capsules?

      BF Suma X Power Man plus Capsules is the patented formula for men’s health. The ingredients include epimedium, maca and Vitamin B1.

  •     Epimedium is a popular aphrodisiac supplement and herbal sexual performance enhancer. It has a long history of traditional use in China for the alleviation of erectile dysfunction and for               improving libido and fertility.

  •     Maca, which is widely used in Peru, can energize the body and helps to boost sex drives.

      Health Benefit of BF Suma X Power Man plus Capsules

  •   1. Relieves fatigue and exhaustion

      2. Relieves stress and mild depression

      3. It reduces excess blood sugar

      4. It reduces cholesterol and regulates blood pressure.

      5. Treat and prevent cancer and Tumor

      6. Treats insomnia

      7. Treats headaches

      8. Improves the entire functioning of the body system

      9. Provide healthy nervous system and very effective on mental attitude

      10. It improves the vitality (masculine sexual power and strength)

      11. It enhances kidneys, lungs, heart, and liver functions)

      12. Anti hypotensive (fights low blood pressure)

      13. It stabilizes appetite by improving food assimilation and digestion particularly

      that of starches, sugars and it prevents undue accumulation of fatty deposits in the artery walls.

      14. Provides mental clarity

      15. It stabilizes the heart beat

      16. Improves memory

      17. Good for edema

      18. Improves blood circulation thus prevent artery clogging and  narrowing.

       19. Fights memory loss, Alzheimer's, and senile dementia.

      20. Strong antioxidant

      21. Prevents male impotence and erectile dysfunction

      22. It builds stamina thus good for athletic performance

      23. It improves sexual desires (aphrodisiac)

      24. It improves the memory.

      25. Improve muscle tone in the stomach, the intestines and the

      heart muscle

       26. Hepato protective 

        Why BF Suma X Power Man plus Capsules?


  •         BF Suma select top grade fresh Maca and natural herbal Epidermii for easier absorption

  •     High concentration & scientific ratio of active ingredients for high efficiency.

  •     Strictly manufactured in accordance to GMP regulation and advance technology guarantee the activity of 


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